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I'm facing a pregnancy decision, how can you help?We understand that you probably have a lot on your mind right now. We are here to listen to you and help you sort through your thoughts as you decide on your next steps. Please click here to see how we can help.
Why do you primarily refer to Hands of Hope for pregnancy services?We have seen first-hand how compassionate the staff at Hands of Hope is when caring for women facing a pregnancy decision, as well as caring for women who have had an abortion. We feel confident sending women we meet to Hands of Hope Tucson for care because we know that their team of medical professionals and peer-counselors will give each client the support, care, and guidance they need during that time. In addition, all of Hands of Hope's Tucson services are free.
What do you include in your gift bags?We include various materials in our gift bags that we hope will encourage and empower the people that we meet. Click here to see a video that explains what we include. It was made in 2017 so the contents of our gift bags have changed slightly, but the concepts are the same. ​
Is your organization Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?The phrase "Pro-Life" can mean a lot of different things to different people. We call ourselves "Pro-Love Tucson" because we love and want to provide care for both the women we meet and the children they carry. We see the inherent value of each woman and believe that there is always going to be a way for both her and her baby to thrive during and after unplanned pregnancy. Although we believe that abortion is never the most empowering option for a woman and her child, we understand that some women do choose it. When that is the case we make every effort to follow up with her after the abortion in order to see how she is doing emotionally and physically. We often refer women who have had an abortion to Hands of Hope, who's staff can provide in depth post-abortion support. We understand that abortion is a complex issue, and we believe that being informed about one's pregnancy and options is essential to making an informed decision. ​
Are you protesters?No, we are not protesters. Many times people forget that in the middle of the abortion debate there is a woman who is facing one of the biggest challenges of her life. We never hold signs or yell at people entering the clinic. We offer confidential resources, support, and friendship because we believe that nobody should have to face an unplanned pregnancy alone.
Why doesn't your group use signs and graphic images?We don't believe that the use of signs and graphic images is the most effective way to reach the heart of a woman considering abortion. Please click here to be redirected to an article discussing research on this topic.
Do you get paid to be on the sidewalk?We do not get paid for our time on the sidewalk. All of our trained sidewalk advocates are volunteers. The donations we receive are used to pay for the gift bags we give to people in front of Planned Parenthood, gift baskets for new parents who chose life, and volunteer materials. ​
Can men volunteer too?Yes! We meet many guys who are going to Planned Parenthood with their partner, or for STD testing, or a wellness check. This is a great opportunity for you to come alongside them to offer encouragement and support. Click here to see how you can get involved.
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