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Due to the grass-roots nature of Pro-Love Tucson, we do not have a formal organization that our supporters can make donations through. However, we are able to accept tax-deductible donations through a partner organization called Manos De Dios.
Your gifts to Pro-Love Tucson through Manos de Dios are tax deductible on your state and federal income tax at the end of the year.
If you would like to give a life-changing donation, please click the "Donate" button below to process it through Manos De Dios.
There are many ways for both women and men to get involved with Pro-Love Tucson. If any of these opportunities spark your interest, please contact us to learn more.
Sidewalk outreach volunteers reach out to women and men entering an abortion facility (located across from Tucson Medical Center). We will train you!
As followers of Jesus we believe prayer is an important aspect of our outreach. We appreciate the time you take to pray for our sidewalk outreach volunteers and the people they encounter.
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